Give yourself a Valentine! Let Arthur Blumenthal, distinguished Renaissance scholar, teach you to look at art treasures with your eyes, mind, and heart. In an informal, fun atmosphere, art lovers will learn a way to look at art thoughtfully, and creatively---without intimidation. “Dr. B’s” simple method encourages students to look mindfully and confidently drawing on their own imaginative powers. Over 1,000 students, beginning and advanced, have enjoyed this class in American gallery settings and on European art tours since 1988. Art lovers can achieve profound aesthetic experiences by shifting awareness, becoming fully present and highly focused. Students will work in the Ringling Museum's beautiful new galleries and see famous gems like The Blue Madonna by Carlo Dolci (Italian: 1616-1687) pictured here. You'll also enjoy delicious lunches in the Museum’s Traviso Restaurant. Click on "Testimonials" in this blog's right-hand column for student comments from earlier workshops. For out-of-towners, the Ringling will provide a list of accommodations close to the Museum. This is going to be great fun and we'd love to see you there. The workshop will fill early, so to assure yourself a place, contact the Ringling Museum/FSU Cultural Institute at 941-358-3180 or e-mail the associate curator of education, Maureen Thomas-Zaremba.
Comments from Arthur Blumenthal's Student: